Our training is fundable statewide in Indiana through the Next Level Jobs Workforce Ready Grant! Interested? Complete an interest form and join one of our upcoming informational Zoom meetings: Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb. 16, Feb. 21, Feb. 28 at 7PM EST
CDA stands for Child Development Associate. This is a person who has successfully completed the CDA Assessment process and has been awarded the CDA Credential. He or she has demonstrated the ability to meet the specific needs of the children in her program, work with parents and other adults, promotes and nurtures children's social, emotional, physical, cognitive growth, is organized, and committed to professionalism.
The CDA process consists of several parts:
Having at least 480 hours of experience working with young children
Actively working in a program with young children, either in a center-based or family child care program
Completing 120 clock hours of formal child care training that cover the 8 CDA Subject Areas
Assembling a Professional Portfolio
Participating in the Verification Visit with a CDA Professional Development Specialist
Taking the CDA Exam
** What is required to take our CDA training and to receive the TEACH Scholarship for the CDA Application fee:
Live and work in Indiana
Employed at least 30 hours per week in a licensed, registered or certified early childhood center, family childcare home or registered ministry within Indiana
Earn $25 or less per hour
Are a high school graduate or have obtained a GED
Are committed to the field of early childhood education
Are currently working with young children between the ages of birth and 5 in a child care program
Do you meet these requirements? Great! If you are in Indiana, your first step is to apply to Indiana Next Level Jobs for the Workforce Ready Grant HERE. Then, complete Registration HERE.